35 |
Summary of the Central Government Forecast as furnished by the Ministry of Finance and as re-assessed for the period 1984-85 to 1988-89. |
36 |
Extract of para 109 of the Summary Record of the discussions of the Meeting of the Chief Ministers held on the 20th May, 1979 to discuss certain issues raised by the Seventh Finance Commission. |
37 |
Statement showing State-wise Assessment to Income-tax (excluding Tax on Union Emoluments) for the years 1977-78 to 1981-82. |
38 |
Communications from the Ministry of Finance regarding Union excise duty on generation of power. |
39 |
Estimated Receipts of States from Excise Duty on Electricity (Generation11 ) |
40 |
Extract of para 8 of the Family Welfare Programme - A Statement of Pohcy (June 29, 1977). |
- |
41 |
Comparable Estimates of Per Capita Income at Current Prices. |
42 |
Extracts taken from Railway Convension Committee (Seventh Report) |
43 |
presented to Lok Sabha on 5.11.1982 laid in Rajya Sabha on 5.11.1982. |
44 |
Statement showing statewise Passenger Earnings on the basis of Originating Stations located in each State for the years 1978-79 to 1981-82. |
45 |
Statement showing assistance sought by the States and the Ceilings approved by the Government of India during the years 1979-80 to 1882-83. |
46 |
State-wise Financial and “PhysicsI provisions recommended in the Police Administration for upgradation. |
47 |
Statewise financial and physical provisions recommended in the Education Sector for up gradation. |
48 |
State-wise financial and physical provisions recommended in jail Administration for upgradation. |
49 |
Statewise financial and physical provisions recommended in the tribel administration for upgradation. |
50 |
Statewise financial and physical provisions recommended in Health Sector for upgradation. |
51 |
State-wise financial and physical provisions recommended in Judicial administration for upgradation. |
52 |
Statewlse financial and physical protiisions recommended in District and revenue administration for upgradeation. |
53 |
Statewise financial provisions recommended in the Training administration for upgradation. |
54 |
Statewise financial and physical provisbns recommended in the Treasury and Accounts Administration for upgradation. |
55 |
Statewise financial provisions recommended for special problems under upgradation. |
56 |
Statewise and Sectorwise provisions made for upgradation. |
- |
57 |
Phasing of Release of grants and physical completion of works. |
58 |
Methodology for calculating net additional interest liability arising out of fresh borrowings and Iendings in the forecast period and the amounts of grants-in-aid to be given to States. |
59 |
Methodology to compute the additional grants-in-aid payable to deficit States to meet the increase in committed liability on account of making provisions for the maintenance of Plan schemes completed by 1904-65. |
60 |
Methodology for estimation of non-Plan capital gaps. |
61 |
Non-Plan capital gap - 1964-69. |
62 |
Ratio of loan outstandings. repayments, etc. to State Domestic Product. |
63 |
Outstandings of Central loans as at the end of lg63-64. |
64 |
Repayment of loans falling due during 1964-69 (on existing basis). |
65 |
Central loans outstanding as percentage of State Domestic Product. |
66 |
Summary of debt relief. |