1 |
Classified Abstract of Central loans to Sates obtained Upto 1971-72 & estimated to be outstanding as on 31-3-1974 & the amount falling due for repayment during 1974-79 on the basis of existing terms. |
2 |
Classified Abstract of Central loans to Sates obtained Upto 1971-73 & estimated to be outstanding as on 31-3-1974 & the amount falling due for repayment during 1974-79 on the basis of existing terms. |
3 |
Classified Abstract of estimated Central loan tom state Governments in 1973-74 and the ammount falling due for repayment during 1974 79 on the basis of exsisting terms. |
4 |
Classified abstract of all Central loans to states estimated to be outstanding as on 31-3-1974& amount falling duefor repayment during 1974-79 on the basis of existing terms. |
5 |
Loans towards share in small savings. |
6 |
Loans in lieu of Open Market Borrowings |
7 |
Relief & Rehabilitation loans. |
8 |
Loans for Modernization of Policy Force. |
9 |
Loans under national Sholarship Scheme |
10 |
Loans for Police Housing. |
11 |
Loans for Agricultural Production & Allied Scheme. |
12 |
Loans for Medium & Large Industries. |
13 |
Loans for small scale industries including handlooms, handicraft, coir, etc. |
14 |
Loans for housing scheme. |
15 |
Loans for water supply, drainage, & slum clearance. |
16 |
Loans for education (excluding National Loan Scholarship Scheme) |
17 |
Loans for medical & Public Health. |
18 |
Loans for community development, National Extension Services & Coopertion. |
19 |
Loans for Transport & Communications. |
20 |
Loans for Employment Scheme |
21 |
Loans for Welfare of Backward Classes. |
22 |
Loans for Rural Electrification. |
23 |
Laons for Inter-States Tranmission Lines. |
24 |
Loans for Flood Control |
25 |
Loans for Investigation of Irrigation & Power Projects. |
26 |
Loans for Housing for All India Services Officers |
27 |
Miscellaneous Non-Development Loans. |
28 |
Miscellaneous loans of a Development Nature. |
29 |
Pre-autonomy Debt. |
30 |
Specific Loans for Multipurpose River Valley Projects & Irrigation & Power Projects |
31 |
Laons for Natural Calamities. |
32 |
Overdraft Loans |
33 |
Special Accomodation Loans |
34 |
Special Loans for meeting Gaps in Resources. |
35 |
Loans to erstwhile Union Territories & States of Jammu & Kashmir, Magalaya & Nagaland. |
36 |
Miscellaneous Development Loans. |
37 |
Block Loans(Pat of Fourth Plan Assistance) |
38 |
Specific Loans outside Forth Plan Assistance |
39 |
Special Categories of loan. |
40 |
Estimated debt relief over the period 1974-79 in respect of certain non-Plan loans on the basis of the revised terms |
41 |
Estimated debt relief over the period 1974-79 in respect of certain specific purpose Plan loans on the basis of the revised terms. |
42 |
Estimated debt relief ,on discrimination basis ,over the period 1974-79 in respect of various categories and Non-Plan loans. |
43 |
Aggregate Debt Relief over the period 1974-79. |